Deaf-initely Women brings deaf, hard of hearing and deafblind women together.
Together, we are stronger

About us

Events / Workshops


Work / Volunteer
Training & Consultancy
Training & Consultancy to meet your charity/business’ needs
Confident businesses that employ and champions deaf, deafblind and disabled employees perform exceptionally well for everyone. This brings wider benefits for:
- HR team,
- your workforce,
- your customers,
- the local economy and
- increasing your profit margins by 30% (1).
What we offer
We create & deliver bespoke deaf, deafblind & disability training courses based on our lived experience and knowledge to address issues specific to your business. We also work with businesses to:
- Deliver training on deaf / deafblind and/or disability awareness
- Advise on HR policies and practices
- Advise on service providers’ policies and procedures
- Undertake access audits to advise on how premises/offices are accessible for deaf, deafblind & disabled people
- Organise and deliver focus/customer-testing groups
- Provide information packs on how to book and use British Sign Language Interpreters, Lip Speakers, Palantypists/Stenographers, Speech to text operators & notetakers.
Our expertise
Deaf-initely Women is led by deaf and deafblind women who have a unique insight on the issues and aspirations of deaf, deafblind and disabled people. We can support them to their full potential as well as reaching out and employing deaf and disabled people.
Realising Aspirations
Our consultancy service provides expert bespoke training, advice and information to organisations within the public, private & voluntary sectors. We have worked with Chatsworth House, the NHS, Skills for Care, Women’s Aid and Councils for Voluntary Service.
Our approach
We will meet with you to discuss the equality outcomes/changes that you would like to see happen in the workplace and service provision. We will then develop an unique programme of training to achieve measurable changes including positive attitudes and behaviours.
Inclusive employment practices
Our services will help you to:
- Empower of your deaf / disabled employees to reach their full potential.
- Evaluate and advise on your HR policies
- Inspire and empower staff through inclusive recruitment and development programmes
- Understand how disability legislation affects you as an employer.
- Ensure that your premise(s) are accessible for all members of the community
Inclusive, professional customer service
Our services will help you to:
- Learn how to provide inclusive customer service that aims to exceed expectations/ good reviews
- Evaluate current or test new products through organising and delivering focus/customer-testing groups
- Understand deaf / disabled customers’ needs.
- Understand how disability legislation affects you as a service provider and your customers.
For more information or to request a quote, please contact: rachel@deafinitelywomen.org.uk
(1) Read a report on advantages to disability inclusion at work (PDF, 908 KB).
Motivational, team-building courses
We also provide one-off and up to 5-week motivational training courses in-person or remotely on:
- Makaton
- British Sign Language (BSL)
- Let’s team build through communication!
- Deaf awareness training
- Deaf / Deafblind Equality Training
- Team building through Yoga.
For more information on cost, please get in touch.
Courses for deaf managers
- Managing your staff as a deaf manager
“Once again, thank you for your invaluable contributions to our company’s growth and awareness. Please extend our heartfelt thanks to Jean, Kelly, Claire, and Beth for their exceptional work and dedication”. Chatsworth House 2024
“So much! Thank you for your holistic approach and frank discussion of the socioemotional impact of deafblindness. Very enlightening.”Learner from ‘An Overview on Supporting & Communicating with Deafblind People’ funded by Skills for Care
“It was a really interesting session, on such an important topic – I personally feel I learnt so much from you all, and that the workshop participants were really engaged in the discussion.” Women’s Aid, 2022
British Sign Language
• One-off taster BSL session for 3 hours
• 5-week course x 2 hours a week
• 10-week course x 2 hours a week
• 30 week – Level 1 BSL
BSL video translation
Ensure accessibility for the deaf community by incorporating BSL video translations onto your website or social media platforms.
• Video length of up to 10 minutes
• BSL video editing, including voiceover and captions
• Integration of your branding/logo within the video