Deaf-initely Women brings deaf, hard of hearing and deafblind women together.
Together, we are stronger

About us

Events / Workshops


Work / Volunteer
Social Connector
Want to meet others like you?
Want to meet others like you?
Deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing women have told us that they can feel isolated and lonely all or some of the time – even if they have lots of people around them.
We offer:
- Coffee mornings
- Meet one to one
- Workshops
- Going Wild activities if you like walking, open swimming or outdoor yoga
- Opportunities to volunteer in the office, at events or become trained Community Connectors
- Become trained Health Connectors to deliver health clinics across Derby City, testing for hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Case Study
“I am writing to say how much it helped to have a social connector visit me. It helped me realise that other people do who struggle too just like me and need help. The social connector told me loads of information about groups and apps that I did not know about. I now feel more confident and not alone knowing there is help and support out there thanks to Deaf-initely Women and their social connector.”
“I met the lovely social connector and other deaf, hard of hearing and deaf-blind women. They all made me feel very welcome and for the first time in years, I felt like I belonged. Just being able to chat to other women, who have experienced similar life battles as I have and who understood basic deaf awareness, improved my mental well-being immensely.”
Becky Daykin
Connector Manager
Text or Video WhatsApp:
07579 809 766
01773 828233
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