Deaf-initely Women brings deaf, hard of hearing and deafblind women together.

Together, we are stronger

About us

Events / Workshops


Work / Volunteer

Make a referral

    Are you completing the form on behalf of someone else?


    [group someone-else]

    Are you DeafDeaf BSL userDeafblindHard of hearing


    Referral for Information and adviceWorkshopsArts and Craft WorkshopsMental health peer coaching serviceOne-to-one family supportOne-to-one support service for deaf women experiencing abuseIDVA/ISVA serviceSocial Connection serviceEmployability supportVolunteering opportunitiesNeeds support on abuseMental health and well-being serviceCoffee morningsFamily Support serviceTrainingAdvocacy

    Date of referral

    We give consent for Deaf-initely Women to store the client's informationYes

    Deaf-initely Women can contact the person requiring support directlyYes

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