Deaf-initely Women brings deaf, hard of hearing and deafblind women together.

Together, we are stronger

About us

Events / Workshops


Work / Volunteer

Become a member of Deaf-initely Women’s Community!

It is FREE to join!

What we do

Membership of Deaf-initely Women is absolutely free. We run lots of different events from coffee mornings where you can socialise with others to taking part in educational workshops – all of which are fully accessible for all deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing women. All activities have loop systems, electronic notetaking that is projected onto the wall and BSL interpreters.

We run sessions and workshops to help you learn to relax through massage, improve your basic literacy and learn budgeting skills. All our workshops and events aim to help deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing women feel included and valued.

Do you want to meet other deaf and hard of hearing women and gain confidence and friends? Join us today!

Fill out this form and we will be in touch.

We would love for you to opt in/subscribe with us!
You will receive a lovely graphic newsletter, event posters, event booking, videos and quick news bulletin.

Get the latest from Deaf-initely Women

Deaf-initely Women is run by deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing female staff and volunteers. We aim to empower deaf and hard of hearing women to feel confident and happy.

Stronger together!

Two women doing craft
Join free membership here
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