Deaf-initely Women brings deaf, hard of hearing and deafblind women together.

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Deafblind and BSL taster sessions training has become a success!

Apr 3, 2023

Since September 2022, we have led a partnership of deaf and deafblind organisations such as Deafblind UK and British Deaf Association in the delivery of free training courses for Direct Payment employers and their Personal Assistants.
We have delivered 18 training courses such as Deafblind and Deaf Equality, Guiding skills, taster deafblind manual and BSL taster sessions.
Our training courses are a great way to promote inclusion and equality for deafblind and deaf people who received social care support, facilitated by the trained and qualified PAs.
We are proud to have accredited some of our training courses which means we now provide qualifications.

Our training courses encourage involving people with lived experience of deafness and deafblindness as tutors or as tutors’ assistants to enable Personal Assistants and their Direct Payment employers to learn more from each other.
If you would like to know more about our services or any other training courses we offer, please contact us via email or give us a call at 01773 828233 or email

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