Deaf-initely Women brings deaf, hard of hearing and deafblind women together.

Together, we are stronger

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Helen Barrow –

Apr 3, 2023

Understand the effects of hearing loss and learn how to manage this

14th June 2023 In Derby 10am – 12noon

Helen Barrow, who has her own hearing loss, is a qualified lipreading tutor and has met many people who have lost their hearing and struggled to come to terms with their loss. Over the years she has supported many people to overcome emotional depression including accepting deafness through lived experience.


Basic lip reading class

14th June 2023 In Derby 12.30pm – 2.30pm 

Helen Barrow, herself who has acquired hearing loss, has managed to work with it using a range of tools and techniques, including lipreading. Now a qualified lipreading tutor, she developed peer support networks through her work as a lipreading tutor. She has taught many people who lost their hearing and equipped them with useful tools to continue communicating with everyone.

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